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Like any service club, fundraising is a part of how we meet our goals and achieve our mission of helping the community. We accomplish this in many different ways:grant writing, member donations, fundraising events, and activities. We strive to assure that our fundraising efforts are fun and not high pressure! Whether it is serving beer at Harvest Fest, grilling brats at Oktoberfest, or assisting at our annual golf outing, we are always having a great time while we are raising money for our club. 


Proceeds raised from our events and activities are how we support the many incredible projects and programs throughout the year.


Windsor Harvest Festival
As one of our two major fundraisers, Windsor Rotary Club is the Beer Tent sponsor every year. We safely provide all of the adult beverages at Boardwalk and Main Park over 3 days in August. While the days are long and the temperatures can be warm, our club always has a blast making sure everyone is have a wonderful time meeting with friends and listening to music near the stage. 

















Annual Charity Rotary Golf Tournament

The Windsor Rotary Charity Golf Tournament is held annually in June. Each year we look forward to joining our friends, family, business partners and community members for a fantastic and fun day of golf.

Rotary beer tent
Friends Drinking Beer
Windsor Harvest Festival logo
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