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In 2024, local youth received a total of 18 RYLA and Young RYLA grants from Windsor Rotary Club.


RYLA -Rotary Youth Leadership Award and Young RYLA are two of Rotary’s signature events dedicated to empowering and unlocking young participants' leadership skills. RYLA is focused on students in grades 10-12.  Young RYLA attendees have their initial introduction in 7th grade.

Windsor Rotary proudly sponsors local high school and middle school students to attend a weeklong summer leadership camp at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park. ​The transformation that occurs in these students is incredible and gives them an opportunity to meet other students and develop new friendships in Rotary District 5440. We believe that our youth are our future, and want to provide them all the tools they need to be successful! 


Windsor Rotary Club

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